sociālo darbinieku biedrība

About us

The Board of Latvian Social Workers Association

Una Lapskalna-Alksne – Chairman of the Board
Mārtiņš Moors – Vice-chairman of the Board
Gita Niedrīte – Board member
Ilze Fārneste – Board member
Evija Rutmane – Board member
Kristīne Veispale – Board member
Sandra Zalcmane – Board member


Social work education in Latvia was 15 years old in 2006. During this time Social Work as a profession has developed very quickly encountering different problems as with all new professions.
For many years we have discussed different issues in regards of Social Work development:

  • i.e., social workers workload,
  • emotional tiredness,
  • micro-social work practice stagnation,
  • lack of unity and support among professionals,
  • social work education/training,
  • micro-practice field alienation,
  • and perspectives of development of Social Work, etc.

After much thought and many discussions, groups of professionals and enthusiasts agreed to establish an association with the purpose to federate Social Workers into a professional organisation.

The Social Workers SocietyThe Latvian Social Workers Association was registered on the 25th August 2006. The mission of SWA is to develop Social Work practice within Latvia. Initiators of SWA are active professional Social Workers with long term experience and knowledge about social practice issues.
The main agenda of SWA is to consolidate and support Social Workers in order to promote theoretical concepts and thinking about social work development plus social problem solving in order to achieve a better understanding of theories and methods. It also offers professional support for all Latvian Social Workers in different regions and institutions.